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A Message from Coach Krane

Sarah Aller

Hello EHS Baseball Parents, Players, and Coaches!

It is incredible that we’re only 10 weeks away from the start of spring sports at Evergreen High School. While prospective players are busy with studies, working, other activities, and winter training, the Boosters and EHS Baseball coaching staff have also been keeping busy.

Our coaches have been developing winter hitting and throwing programs, rounding out game schedules, making improvements and repairs in the indoor facility, prepping our 2024 playbook and player guidelines, and perhaps most importantly, solidifying our vision.

Mark your calendars now! 

February 27 will be the first day of spring tryouts. We expect to finalize the varsity and junior varsity rosters by Friday, March 1. We’ll be in Pueblo that weekend for full-day practices on March 2 and 3. Our plan is to be on the field no more than four hours and be off the field by 3pm. The evening of March 2nd, we’ll review our playbooks and have a season kick-off party.

Click here to read the rest of Coach Krane's message including a detailed overview of 2024 Tryouts.

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